Guilt-Free Vegan GF Lasagna

Lasagna gets a bad rap for being high in carbs and saturated fats and not providing much for the body other than the comfort of eating all of your fave flavors in one dish. Not NO MO my frend! This Vegan GF Lasagna recipe has changed the game by providing you with the nutrient-dense punch that your body needs to thrive without the push back from unwanted, heavily processed ingredients. So go ahead and grab a slice (or two), turn on that Sex and the City marathon, pour a glass of red and nom guilt free!

Vegan GF Lasagna:

  • 1 pack of GF no boil lasagna noodles

  • Any red sauce that sounds good (marinara, the like)

  • 1 Pack of white button mushrooms

  • 1 White onion

  • 1 Garlic floret

  • 1 Shallot

  • 1 Lemon

  • Spinach bundle

  • Parsley bundle

  • Medium firm tofu

  • 1 cups of raw cashews

  • Nutritional yeast

  • Vegan shredded mozzarella cheese 

  • Small thing of unsweetened almond milk or a nut milk of your choice


Mushroom medley

  1. Heat up avocado oil / butter in saucepan

  2. Slice mushrooms while oil is heating, add mushrooms to oil and be sure to salt them to release the water

  3. Once mushrooms have shrunk down a bit, add onion + shallot.

  4. Onions + shallot will begin to caramelize (release the sugars), once browned, add garlic.

  5. Sautee for 5 or so minutes then deglaze with white wine (optional)

  6. Add the marinara sauce when you are ready and turn the heat down to a simmer

Vegan Ricotta

  1. Throw 1 ish cups of cashews into your nutri bullet

  2. Add a little bit of milk at a time and blend up until you have a cashew paste

  3. Add half a pack of firm tofu and continue to blend until desired consistency

  4. Add a few scoops of nutritional yeast

  5. Season as you like: little bit of parsley, clove of garlic, salt and pepper, lemon.

Put it all together

  1. Start by putting down a layer of mushroom medley

  2. Then a GF lasagna noodle

  3. Spread cashew ricotta over the top

  4. Add a layer of spinach



  5. Repeat the process until pan is full or you run out of ingredients!

  6. Cook for 45 minutes or more on 450 degrees!

VOILA! You have a deeply grounding and nutrient-dense meal that makes you fell all warm and fuzzy inside!

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